Hey, about two months ago I purchased an open box T-Mobile LG G5 from a reputable eBay seller. The first month, I didn't notice any problems, but the past month my phone battery is losing juice much faster. The stock battery setting is saying the top culprits are "phone idle", Android os, castbox (which I do use a lot), and kernel os. I have since downloaded system monitor, better battery stats, and gsam battery monitor. I will post all the screenshots I took of my last full charge down to about 14%. The gsam app is saying the phone is being woken up hundreds of times by Android os. Also, better battery stats is saying there are hundreds if not thousands of alarms being sent to my phone from Android. Overall, it just seems my phone doesn't get into deep sleep much but stays in the awake with screen off category. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you would need any more information. Also, when my battery drains a lot it gets very hot and the screen lags when you type on the phone.
Phone Screenshots This is the link to my imgur page with 25 screenshots from a few monitoring apps from that phone discharge.
Phone Screenshots This is the link to my imgur page with 25 screenshots from a few monitoring apps from that phone discharge.