LG led tv backlight problems


May 27, 2016
I have a 55 inch led 3d LG..model 55lm4600. It started having issues a couple months ago and has progressively gotten worse. It powers up and plays fine most of the time..my satellite TV and ps4 both run thru hdmi connectors. However, the backlight shuts off when the screen changes when the ps4 is on. If my son is playing a game and he gets killed, the backlight shuts off when the screen changes every single time. I can only get it to come back on if I turn the power to the tv off and back on again. Then it works fine until the same thing happens in the game and it's back off again. Its also done this a couple of times when I'm watching tv. When that happened I would restart the tv and it would come on but then shut off after 3 or 4 secs. And then finally it just stayed on after a few tries. Earlier I went into the settings and tried to adjust the backlight down to 35 percent and it also made it shut off completely. I had to shut the lights completely off and use a flashlight to see the screen so I could use the settings menu and adjust it back up to stay on. It might also be worth noting that the edges of the screen are dimmer in places, like the led strips might be out in spots. I am leaning toward the power/led board, but I wanted to get opinions first before I spend money. Would a bad led strip cause this to happen as well? Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you ;-)
Let me start off ive fixed many a tvs.

Based of it shutting off I would say the main power supply board(which provideds your led power) is failing but the issue is it could have sent power spikes to the leds which there is no simple way I can tell you to check them as it usually involves major disassymbley and then some test equipment to check each led.


Oct 2, 2013
Let me start off ive fixed many a tvs.

Based of it shutting off I would say the main power supply board(which provideds your led power) is failing but the issue is it could have sent power spikes to the leds which there is no simple way I can tell you to check them as it usually involves major disassymbley and then some test equipment to check each led.