Question LG Soundbar SH7 power issue

Sep 22, 2019
Hey! I have a LG Soundbar SH7 -model. It was working fine, until the other day, honestly without doing anything to it, it just didn't turn on anymore. Anything I do, doesn't work, I've pressed all the buttons, tried different combinations, it won't turn on. A red light is still present in the front of the soundbar, but it won't turn blue, like it would if it turned on normally. The red light is not blinking, it's just static.

I also bought a new power adapter, but it wouldn't turn on with that either.

Anyone have any suggestions what to do? Thanks in advance!
Sep 22, 2019
Thanks for your reply. Do you know why it does this? I'm pretty experienced in opening and maintaining electrical devices, can I swap like a power management chip or something?