Lighthouse mounting Without harming wall paint


Nov 8, 2015
So - I'm a bit annoyed because I've had to move my VR pc from my old room to another. This new room has a new coat of paint on it and I don't want to screw holes into it. God forbid if I had to take down the lighthouses and have those holes in plain sight. Hell would rise and demons would roam the human plain.
If you've ever lived with a woman you'll understand the severity of damaging new paint. It just MUST NOT HAPPEN

My question is: How can I mount my light house in my rooms corners WITHOUT damaging the paint?
each corner has a X,Y and Z angle to mount on or at least utilize for mounting.

I was thinking about command strips and using them in a creative method, but I don't trust them to support a 200$ light house.

VIVE Light house

My Rooms corner
(for reference)


Power cable has to reach the back of the light house. How would I tape it to the wall and plug it in?

The wires fall nicely and aren't ugly. It's paint damage she worries about. Also no zipties involved here. lol. Vive light house power cables are very small.

Points for creativity. But She will lose it just as much.
Going back to this picture:
What kinda tape is that? I can't find a 3M tape that is just flat.

I'll give you best answer if you can give me a link to this 3M tape. lol

Thanks for the fair warning. I should be able to cover my tracks if I do peel any paint. I don't plan on moving them every day.

I'll probably get both and test them out somewhere else. Thanks