Hello everyone! I recently put Ubuntu on a usb so I can do a little beginner coding. I also like to watch tv from a couple of sketchy sites (Netflix why don't you have anything abaible to stream?)
A few of these sites /might/ have viruses, and I would rather be safe than sorry, so I was thinking of going to them while using Ubuntu because I heard that very few viruses are written for Linux.
My question is that could going to infected websites still infect my windows OS since it shares the same hard disk as my Ubuntu OS? My reasoning is that the virus would be written to the hard disk while I'm using Ubuntu, then when I switch over to Windows it would become active. Maybe its crazy (and it probably is) but I just thought that I'd ask.
Thank you!
A few of these sites /might/ have viruses, and I would rather be safe than sorry, so I was thinking of going to them while using Ubuntu because I heard that very few viruses are written for Linux.
My question is that could going to infected websites still infect my windows OS since it shares the same hard disk as my Ubuntu OS? My reasoning is that the virus would be written to the hard disk while I'm using Ubuntu, then when I switch over to Windows it would become active. Maybe its crazy (and it probably is) but I just thought that I'd ask.
Thank you!