LNB in wind



Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

I know the wind will have an effect on the dish I will be mounting on a 3"
Galvanized pole. It will be buried deep enough and I will be putting concrete
around it and in it just to give it some stability. It will be approx 18' to
20' high. I'm just concerned that the sway or jiggle of the dish might not be
something I would like. How much side sway can a LNB handle before it looses
its hold on the satellite? The dish is 38"
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

maybe an inch or so, before the picture will pixelate, a little more and the
picture will drop out. just my experience other may have different results

"Rakblight" <rakblight@aol.com> wrote in message
> I know the wind will have an effect on the dish I will be mounting on a 3"
> Galvanized pole. It will be buried deep enough and I will be putting
> around it and in it just to give it some stability. It will be approx 18'
> 20' high. I'm just concerned that the sway or jiggle of the dish might
not be
> something I would like. How much side sway can a LNB handle before it
> its hold on the satellite? The dish is 38"
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

Rakblight wrote:

> I know the wind will have an effect on the dish I will be mounting on a 3"
> Galvanized pole. It will be buried deep enough and I will be putting concrete
> around it and in it just to give it some stability. It will be approx 18' to
> 20' high. I'm just concerned that the sway or jiggle of the dish might not be
> something I would like. How much side sway can a LNB handle before it looses
> its hold on the satellite? The dish is 38"

Filling the pole with cement will help.
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

On 07 Jun 2004 23:03:40 GMT, rakblight@aol.com (Rakblight) wrote:

>I know the wind will have an effect on the dish I will be mounting on a 3"
>Galvanized pole. It will be buried deep enough and I will be putting concrete
>around it and in it just to give it some stability. It will be approx 18' to
>20' high. I'm just concerned that the sway or jiggle of the dish might not be
>something I would like. How much side sway can a LNB handle before it looses
>its hold on the satellite? The dish is 38"

You are going to put a 3 foot dish twenty feet in the air on a free
standing pole? Schedule 40 is going to be heavy and hard to plant by
It can sway maybe 3/4" either way before making you mad with signal
Good luck pointing it, it can be done, but without a tall ass A frame
ladder and a spectrum analyzer it won't be fun.
I hope the length of the pole is to get over your roof, and you will
have a bracket from the house attached to it...and you will be able to
stand on the roof to work on it and point it.
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb (More info?)

That is 2.5 bags...just for the pole!!!!!

"Aardvark" <abuseeyeplex@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> Rakblight wrote:
> > I know the wind will have an effect on the dish I will be mounting on a
> > Galvanized pole. It will be buried deep enough and I will be putting
> > around it and in it just to give it some stability. It will be approx
18' to
> > 20' high. I'm just concerned that the sway or jiggle of the dish might
not be
> > something I would like. How much side sway can a LNB handle before it
> > its hold on the satellite? The dish is 38"
> Filling the pole with cement will help.