Solved! Logitech Z506 to Samsung NU8000?

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Oct 31, 2012

I recently upgraded my TV to a Samsung NU8000 and I was wondering if its possible to continue to use Logitech Z506 speakers with it? On my old TV I was using a Tekimbe Digital Decoder and it seemed to work but I'm not having any success now with the NU8000. I'm just wondering if it's possible at all, am I doing something wrong or just wasting my time?

I tried plugging an optic audio cable from the TV's output into the Decoder, and then connected the Decoder to the Z506's Bass via AUX, but no audio was coming through.

NU8000 outputs -
Decoder -
Speakers -

The space I have for speakers is very limited so I need a small compact system like the Z506, even if its really not that great - im sure its better than the stock TV speakers.

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated, thank you!!
just to be sure:
Is the Power LED on of the decoder?
The decoder is set to 5.1 and not 2.1
If the optical cable is connected to the spdif 1 port "D1" LED should be on, if connected to spdif 2, the "D2" LED should be on. To switch between the 3 inputs, press "input" till the correct LED is glowing.

The optical cable plug while plugged into the TV should be glowing red

the setup should be:
TV set to optical audio (eventually 5.1 or similar)
connect the optical audio cable with the TV ´s optical audio out port to the decoder´s optical in port (SPDIF 1). Eventually try the SPDIF 2 port too.
connect the RCA to 3.5" cables (two RCA jacks to one 3.5" stereo jack) to the ports of the decoder (the two RCA plugs) and connect the 3.5" plugs...
Should work with your equipment

Did you set the TV to optical/digital audio output?

Hi, thanks for the reply!

Okay, I must be doing something wrong then? So to confirm - I have the Audio Optic Cable running from the TV into the Decoder, an AUX connection from the Speakers Audio In Input into the Decoder, and then do I need to plug the corresponding speakers (FL, FR etc) into the Decoder or leave them connected to the Speakers? (I thought I tired both but no success). And yes I did change the TV audio setting to Optical :)

Thanks again
just to be sure:
Is the Power LED on of the decoder?
The decoder is set to 5.1 and not 2.1
If the optical cable is connected to the spdif 1 port "D1" LED should be on, if connected to spdif 2, the "D2" LED should be on. To switch between the 3 inputs, press "input" till the correct LED is glowing.

The optical cable plug while plugged into the TV should be glowing red

the setup should be:
TV set to optical audio (eventually 5.1 or similar)
connect the optical audio cable with the TV ´s optical audio out port to the decoder´s optical in port (SPDIF 1). Eventually try the SPDIF 2 port too.
connect the RCA to 3.5" cables (two RCA jacks to one 3.5" stereo jack) to the ports of the decoder (the two RCA plugs) and connect the 3.5" plugs with your logitech 6CH audio input ports (green, black and orange)
RCA to 3.5" cable should look like this:,bing,81020276071076,4584619890806483&c3api=2280,{creative},,e&msclkid=7b2b7a02140a1e47e05d272a339ad5fa
Decoder output RCA -> Logitech INPUT 3.5"
FR, FL -> Front (green)
SL,SR -> REAR (black)
CEN, SW -> Center (orange)
SW -> Subwoofer (orange)

just for the speakers, because this one only used stereo input (the green plug)
The speakers have to be plugged directly into the Logitech´s subwoofer speakers section (rear left, rear right, front left, front right and center)
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Thank you!

I'm still a little confused though.. 😓

So I need x3 RCA to 3.5" cables, which have a Red, White and 3.5" plug? And then when you say "connect the RCA to 3.5" cables (two RCA jacks to one 3.5" stereo jack) to the ports of the decoder (the two RCA plugs)" where exactly am I plugging the Red and White RCA plugs into the decoder? On the front in any of the 'FL FR etc' ports? And then do I plug the 2 3.5" plugs into any of the Green, Black or Orange Audio In on the sub?

I hope this isnt becoming too annoying for you :hebe:
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No problem :)
the only thing you will have to tryout yourself, is if red is left or right in the decoder. if it´s the other way around, switch the red with the white one. The same thing with the center and the subwoofer.

one cable with red and white RCA plug into FR, FL , and the corresponding 3.5" plug into Front (green)
one red and white RCA plug into SL,SR -> 3.5" to REAR (black)
one red and white RCA cable into CEN, SW -> 3.5" to Center /Subwoofer (orange)
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