Looking at buying a 4K 17" touchscreen laptop

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Jan 31, 2014
Hi folks,

Title says it all I'm in the market for a new laptop, want to grab something with a 17" glossy 4K touchscreen and a metal unibody there really the only requirements I have.
Budget max $2500.
I'll be using it only for watching videos and surfing the web so don't really need anything too powerful. However I frequently leave 2 chrome windows open with 30+ tabs each open so minimum of 16GB of RAM would Be a good idea.
Storage I want a nvme small drive to store the OS really that's it everything else I'll store on my external HDDs.

I was looking at the HP Envy 17 but it looks like there not available in OZ. I've asked HP when the ETA is but they couldn't tell me.
Really like the look of the EVGA SC 17 but there's no way in hell im paying 4000 for that!

Also considering a 15 inch maybe the spectre X360 15" but again HP have told me there not releasing in OZ

I always loved the asus N series laptops but I haven't been able to find any of them? The vivobook and zen book range both seem to be old models discontinued now and I can't see any replacements to them?

What other models would you guys recommend?

Please no matt screens though, I absolutely LOATHE matte screens!!!!!!

Thank you for your advice.
As others not sure what the reasons are for needs.
Unless you are wathing 4K content movies then why do you specfically want a 4k screen?
My Leonovo Yoga Pro laptop has 3200x1800 screen (so better then 1440p, less then 4K) screen and I actually turn it down to 1080p because it uses noticably less battery and everything just scales better as many programs are build wtih set pixel demsnions instead of percentages and thus show up tiny.

FYI matte screens are there so you can actually use your laptop in the sun or bright light conditions. If you are only going to be indoors with florescent or indirect lighting then sure glossy is great, but as soon as you go outside of those conditions your laptop is useless.
Thanks guys for the info.

I want a touchscreen as I mostly use the laptop lying down on the lounge so scrolling through websites is easier with the screen rather than the touchpad or a mouse.
If I was to remove one of the requirements it would be the touchscreen but I certainly would prefer if it had one.

4K because I'm going to use it mainly for movie watching so 4K Netflix and such.

I'll exclusively be using the laptop inside so I'm not concerned about reflectivity.
I've always noticed matte screens always look really grainy too, I'm sure they have improved in years but they have just really turned me off them. My last laptop was a ROG as I didn't have my desktop so I needed a gaming machine and the screen in that drove me up the wall.

Thanks again for the advice
i find the 4K screens tend to look nicer when compared model to model. For instance the last laptop I had was the XPS 15 and I was consistently surprised how much nicer the screen looked than a colleges. Exact same model as mine only difference was the screen and battery we had. Plus I've had a Rv now ongoing 3 years first with my sony x9000 then by LG B6 so it feels like a bit of a downgrade to go back to 1080
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