Looking for 2 laptops! Brother and Friend


Dec 7, 2011

Friend was looking at the Samsung - Series 7 15.6"

1. ~$1000
2. ~15"
3. at least 1366 x 768
4. portable
5. 5hrs
6. High Settings (Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3)
7. Basic Photo editing
8. 500GB
9. Any
10. 4 Years
11. Blu-ray Reader
12. Sony, Samsung, HP
13. USA
14. ~5 pounds, white or silver color is preffered , upgradable to 8GB ram if not already available.


My brother was looking at the asus U47A-BGR4.

1. $800
2. 14-15.6
3. at least 1366 x 768
4. portable
5. 5hrs
6. Minecraft
7. Not much editing
8. 500GB
9. Any
10. 3 years
11. Blu-ray if possible, dvd is fine
12. Reviews > Brand
13. USA
14. upgradable to 8GB ram if not already avaible. lit keyboard :) if possible, matte finish if possible
Haha the second one idk my brother just wants a new laptop. no gaming really... just youtube... school and basic stuff that doesn't require much of any specs. he just wants something that will last him
Wow thank you for this website. It's a great way to find amazing deals. Do you know of anything other website similar to this one? Perhaps not one aimed for gamers?