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Looking for a 15.6 inch portable video editing Laptop under 900$

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Nov 13, 2015
Hows it going guys, I currently own a fairly powerful desktop (AMD Radeon R9, 16GB RAM, AMD 8 Core) But with college, I'm rarely at home to use it. I'm looking for a 15.6 inch Laptop with a great battery to survive the day. I often head out and work on video editing, which I'd enjoy to do on a portable device. Also some Mid to low quality gaming too. Thing is, I only got around $900 to invest in the machine. I happened to look at a few, any of these good?

- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152949&cm_re=MSI_gp-_-34-152-949-_-Product
- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=34-319-808
- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA6R42AF3784&cm_re=lenovo_gaming_laptop-_-1TS-000E-001H5-_-Product
Or any other machines?
I appreciate a response and thanks!


Nov 13, 2015

The MSI has a I5, the Asus has a I7. I'm pretty use i7's are a little more efficient when it comes to battery and are faster.

But the i7 is a ulv chip rather than the full blown m. This means that it is a dual core like the i5. It may have slight better battery life but the performance should be the same.



Nov 13, 2015

Okay, thanks for the explanation! Chances are I'll be going for the Asus. It seems the best for what I'm using it for and is on sale as of now. You can't go wrong with $750 for those specs! I only wish there was SSD model though. I'd rather had like a smaller SSD than a 1 TB HDD