Looking for a gaming laptop that can best the latest games consoles


Oct 19, 2014
1. What is your budget?

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering?
Size isn't an issue in terms of how big, maybe 15" as the lowest

3. What screen resolution do you want?
1080p hopefully!

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop?
I have a desktop for basic tasks, this is more a luxury purchase for gaming when away

5. How much battery life do you need?
Can and will be mostly plugged in but would like an ample amount of hours without the need for a plug in.

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)?
I am mostly getting this to play games but most will be indie games on steam/older games I've been wanting to use mods on. I want it to be able to handle these games no problem plus the possibility of playing new games at a decent standard as well. Not sure if I'm asking for too much here.

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, Etc.)
Absolutely nothing. I have my phone for internet browsing and my computer for office related projects/file and picture storage

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need?
This I'm not sure of this, I will only be using this to play games, an ssd might be preferable to a larger bite capacity.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.
Amazon.co.uk preferably as I have vouchers for there site and discount if it's sold by them.

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
Til it dies! ha.

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
I have no real need for a blu-ray player, DVD would be handy should I wish to use any old games I may have lying around.

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons.
I have no real preference, as long as it can do what I'm looking for it to do then there shouldn't be much issue.

13. What country do you live in?

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
I need to be able to use my wifi without any additional purchases, not sure if this is obvious and every laptop has it but I thought I'd mention. I'd also like to say that I basically want to be able to know wether or not whatever I'm getting will be able to run the same games my ps4 or Xbone can.

A laptop that won't get too hot or loud is also very preferable, thanks in advance for anyone willing to help me out.


That's my mistake!

I've done...


Apr 27, 2015
I'd recommend the MSI Apache Pro 17.3-Inch Laptop.


It fits right into your budget, will destroy any console it's set against, passes all* your requirements, and is available on Amazon in the UK.

*While playing GPU intensive games on battery, you may be disappointed with the results. Desktop graphics cards in laptops are relatively new in the market, and currently the batteries in laptops today aren't up for the task. However, general browsing/indie games should be able to be run for at least an hour or more with this laptop.

The video linked below goes a little more in depth on the issues of desktop class graphics cards with laptop batteries, and it happens to be testing the MSI Apache's bigger brother, the Dominator G.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Oct 19, 2014
Thank you for your time Peppermint but I fear I may not have been clear. That's probably a little further in price then I can stretch, when I initially put down the price it was a maximum and I put it in both Pounds and converted it to dollars for ease to peoples viewing. My apologies, I was looking myself and was wondering if you could pass an opinion on These two laptops?





Apr 27, 2015

That's my mistake!

I've done a little research on the ASUS laptop, and as far as specs go it will still pass your requirements with flying colors. I've looked through the negative reviews on Amazon, and it seems they all relate to faulty hardware - which is a good sign, especially given Amazon's A+ return system.

The only negative I found personally was in it's short battery life, which unfortunately, as I mentioned in my first reply, is something that comes along in the territory of gaming laptops with discreet GPU's. You should expect an hour and a half while gaming on your battery, maybe two in the best case scenario.

And after taking a look around in your new price range, I'm fairly impressed that ASUS includes what they do in this laptop. 1TB HDD and an 128 SSD in this price bracket is superb.

As for the Cyberpower PC, set against the ASUS laptop I wouldn't consider it at all. It's £43 more expensive for a smaller screen (15.6" vs Asus's 17.3"), and a questionable CPU speed (it says 2.7GHz in the name, and 2.5GHz in the specs?). And personally I can't bring myself to recommend a brand that I don't have personal experience with, and that is the case with Cyberpower.

Let me know if you have any other questions!