I'm gonna use this (http/www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/50797-35-laptop-buyers) format for my post:
1.Budget is around 500EUR.
2.Size should be around 20".
3.Resolution, anything above 720p that is 16:9.
4."Portable or desktop replacement laptop" Don't really know, the one that fits the most criterias ?
5.Battery life, the charge itself doesn't to last long, as it will be mostly be plugged, for the life itself of the battery, the longer the better.
6.For games, medium settings with atleast 30fps would be good, he mostly plays free games (world of warship, fortnite, crossout, robocraft) that aren't very demanding as far I know.
7.Aside from that, it'll mostly be used for for internet, and then some technical drawing software, don't know which yet.
8.Storage wise, 500GB is plenty enough.
9.We're in Belgium, so I primarily use;Tweakers, Amazon, eBay, and then BE GER NE websites to see which one has the better deal, only use ebay/amazon as last resort (although I've never had any issues with either of those two, they're the least safe ones AFAK).
10.The longer the laptop lasts for that price range the better.
11.As far as optical drive goes, it's pretty irrelevant nowadays as far as we're concerned.
12.Don't care for brands either way.
Alright, my thanks to anyone who can help me with this, I've looked it up but all I got was misinformation or outdated stuff.
I'm gonna use this (http/www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/50797-35-laptop-buyers) format for my post:
1.Budget is around 500EUR.
2.Size should be around 20".
3.Resolution, anything above 720p that is 16:9.
4."Portable or desktop replacement laptop" Don't really know, the one that fits the most criterias ?
5.Battery life, the charge itself doesn't to last long, as it will be mostly be plugged, for the life itself of the battery, the longer the better.
6.For games, medium settings with atleast 30fps would be good, he mostly plays free games (world of warship, fortnite, crossout, robocraft) that aren't very demanding as far I know.
7.Aside from that, it'll mostly be used for for internet, and then some technical drawing software, don't know which yet.
8.Storage wise, 500GB is plenty enough.
9.We're in Belgium, so I primarily use;Tweakers, Amazon, eBay, and then BE GER NE websites to see which one has the better deal, only use ebay/amazon as last resort (although I've never had any issues with either of those two, they're the least safe ones AFAK).
10.The longer the laptop lasts for that price range the better.
11.As far as optical drive goes, it's pretty irrelevant nowadays as far as we're concerned.
12.Don't care for brands either way.
Alright, my thanks to anyone who can help me with this, I've looked it up but all I got was misinformation or outdated stuff.