Looking for advice and informations about 'wear and tear' !


May 21, 2016
Short question ; How much time does it take for a graphic card to begin failing ?
By failing i mean starting to show signs of weakness.
Of course the answer is 'it depends', but i just want to know so because i am curious.
I own an Nvidia Geforce 940m, still relatively new ( 1 month )
Thank you :)
In terms of electronic components, to do with any bit of hardware in a system.

It all comes down to the environment, and working conditions.
If you live in a country that has much higher ambient temperatures then the electronic parts may fail quicker.

The natural enemy to all electronic components is heat, and always will be.
The hotter something runs with electronic components the more the working life of the components are effected, or shortened in operation.

With things like a cpu, gpu of a graphics card it is why it`s so important to keep them as cool as you possibly can while in operation.
The same also apply`s with memory or memory chips used in laptops or tower based systems.

When it comes to cpu`s and gpu`s.
All or most...

Unless you live in a damp or humid environment the GPU should outlast most other components.

You should change the thermal paste and clean the fan/s one every 1-3 years.

With laptops, whats more likely to break first are : The battery will go first, then keys may break, screens digitizers break easy, Power bricks fails,
Hard drive, power button, Capacitors on the mobo.

If you mean how will it run future games? if so its actually fairly weak already with only 384 CUDA cores

the 980 ti has 2816 CUDA Cores
In terms of electronic components, to do with any bit of hardware in a system.

It all comes down to the environment, and working conditions.
If you live in a country that has much higher ambient temperatures then the electronic parts may fail quicker.

The natural enemy to all electronic components is heat, and always will be.
The hotter something runs with electronic components the more the working life of the components are effected, or shortened in operation.

With things like a cpu, gpu of a graphics card it is why it`s so important to keep them as cool as you possibly can while in operation.
The same also apply`s with memory or memory chips used in laptops or tower based systems.

When it comes to cpu`s and gpu`s.
All or most integrated circuits degrade over a period of time with them.
The circuit pathways in them degrade due to electro migration where the circuit path degrades over time and use, getting to a point where it can no longer carry a sufficient current along the pathway.

Or signal information passed down it.

This is when you start to see with cpu`s or Gpu`s random error messages or freezing of a system, and it is more evident when the cpu or Gpu is put under load where each also exhibit either errors, freezing or crashing.

Every electronic component has a life expectancy in up hours or normal operation, and are often stated.

Take for example a Samsung 250 GB Evo SSD drive.
Reliability: MTBF: 1.5 million hours- Life hours of the device working in normal working conditions powered up and in use.

TBW: 75TBW- The amount of data written to the drive each week as a average for 1.5 million hours before a fault, or complete failure of the device is expected.

In general all or most electronic hardware or components have this rating.
And before completely failing show signs of a problem before complete failure in some manner.

Some parts fitted to hardware or single components of it have a lower life expectancy.
And even if bought new may have a weakness of a component or part of it where it may fail quicker compared to another bit of hardware with the exact same specifications and components used.

It really just comes down to time, how much the device is used and in it`s powered state, and how much heat hardware or components are subjected to, plus the environment they are placed in. Zen.

As to how long each will last through average daily use.
Electronic components are stressed also when they are powered off and on this also can effect the working life time of the component or hardware.

Perhaps I am lucky but I have never had a GPU die on me before it was obsolete to the point of useless. The longest I ever actually used a GPU was around 9 years and it was still going when I tossed it.

No >:[ i did not mean how it will run future games, thanks you for reminding me how inferior my card is >:[
Just kidding.
Yes i actually am extremely satisfied with my graphics card, has a good performance when i play a game, i do not abuse it (ie. run games relatively in low settings, etc, ...)
I'm glad you like it, I have purchases a few gaming laptops in the past when space was limited.
Long term or next purchase try to get a a gaming PC, gaming Laptops are always a disappointment or waste of money in the long run.
Best to get gaming PC and Cheap laptop.

Thank you for your in-depth answer, i already knew that the answer is not a fixed value, there are just too many variables.
I am not a person that needs those last juices of Frames per second, when running a game that gives me the ability to run unlimited fps, 60 fps, 30 fps or less , i choose 60 fps and it runs smoothly for a long period of time but i just go for 30 fps, because it is playable and actually good, same thing goes for settings, sometimes i have some preferences, but most of them fancy ones i just ignore.
Again, thank you for your in-depth informative answer.