Hello everybody. My mother really enjoys listening to audiobooks and such while she relaxes. She uses a regular boombox style cd player. I recently discovered a place where I can get my hands on some old time radio broadcasts that I know she'd enjoy listening to, the only problem is I would end up using many many recordable CDs to get them all for her.
The ideal solution since my mother is a technophobe and would not want to deal with Bluetooth, USB sticks, Etc would be to have a player that could play audio files burned to a DVD vastly increasing the available space on each disc.
However, if such a thing exists in a Boombox style player I have yet to find it. So, short of buying an entire spindle of recordable CDs and going that route, can anyone offer me a suggestion of a unit that could play DVDs with audio files burned on them?
The ideal solution since my mother is a technophobe and would not want to deal with Bluetooth, USB sticks, Etc would be to have a player that could play audio files burned to a DVD vastly increasing the available space on each disc.
However, if such a thing exists in a Boombox style player I have yet to find it. So, short of buying an entire spindle of recordable CDs and going that route, can anyone offer me a suggestion of a unit that could play DVDs with audio files burned on them?