Looking for cheapest most energy efficient option.


Mar 8, 2009
Hi all. I am looking to get a Windows device that I plan to run 24/7. All it needs to do is load a browser and run videos. That is literally all I will be using it for. I really only want to spend around 25-$50 if possible. It also needs to use as little energy as possible. Anyone have any ideas?
Unless you find something USED you'll probably want to spend well over $100USD to get any PC with Windows on it.

Raspberry Pi and similar hardware is too limited for 24/7 usage. Not enough system memory for a lot of browser tabs, SD card is not ideal for long-term usage (wears out) and lack of performance.

I'm not even sure you can put W10 on the Pi. There was a free "W10" OS but it wasn't Windows 10 exactly but I won't explain that here.

*This is an EXAMPLE of a basic W10 PC that is quite cheap: https://www.amazon.com/ZOTAC-ZBOX-PI221-W2B-Intel-Windows-Black/dp/B01GVE4CT8/ref=sr_1_21?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1491270733&sr=1-21&keywords=windows+10+pc&refinements=p_n_operating_system_browse-bin%3A12035945011%2Cp_36%3A1253506011

I would personally want at least 4GB system memory, 120GB+ main storage, and 64-bit Windows 10.
You can probably do some dumpster diving and score one for free.

e.g. I scored a perfectly fine 2008~ish Mac Pro with some targeted dumpster diving myself. Someone had thrown it away only because the GPU had burnt out from excessive dust build up. Definitely better than a "trashputer" *cough*gamersnexus*cough* for $25-50.

If you don't have a dumpster near you full of computers that could potentially still work, the used market like ebay or craigslist is a pretty good place to score old office desktops like old dell 530's.