Looking For Powerful Budget Laptop


Jul 20, 2016
I am looking for a laptop that can run the latest premiere software smoothly and that will be my most heaviest program most likely and is for around $500 hopefully but if you find anything for more but is way better i would like to see that too Intel or AMD/ Nvida or Radeon does not matter as long as it runs smoothly like is said and thickness is not an issue as long as it is like HUGE. Thanks!
Budget and powerful, like "cheap and good for games" does not mix. You can get a system that will run Premier OK, if you want a system to run it "smoothly" then you need to up your budget by about $300.

This is probably the best $500 laptop for your needs https://www.neweggbusiness.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9B-34-315-302&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC-_-pla-_-Notebooks-_-9B-34-315-302&gclid=CNmajNS9gs4CFUdZhgod9FcP_Q

For a system that is better quality, faster, with a much faster hard-drive, this is good https://www.amazon.com/Dell-15-6-Inch-Quad-Core-i5-6300HQ-Processor/dp/B015PYYDMQ and it's about $20-30 cheaper now than it usually is.
Budget and powerful, like "cheap and good for games" does not mix. You can get a system that will run Premier OK, if you want a system to run it "smoothly" then you need to up your budget by about $300.

This is probably the best $500 laptop for your needs https://www.neweggbusiness.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9B-34-315-302&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleBiz-PC-_-pla-_-Notebooks-_-9B-34-315-302&gclid=CNmajNS9gs4CFUdZhgod9FcP_Q

For a system that is better quality, faster, with a much faster hard-drive, this is good https://www.amazon.com/Dell-15-6-Inch-Quad-Core-i5-6300HQ-Processor/dp/B015PYYDMQ and it's about $20-30 cheaper now than it usually is.


Jul 20, 2016

Thanks so much! I will most likely buy the acer unless I find an awesome deal on that dell. Thanks again!