See, people throw in the aesthetics and design in as a pro for the mac, but that simply is just wrong to state. Those are qualitative statements. You can't say that something looks better and expect it to hold true for the entire populous. I think that my Sager and my IBM a21m look far better than a macbook ever could. That arguement holds no weight.
As for build quality, yes, the macs are constructed differently, and in certain situations that makes them better. However, the plastic encasing most notebooks won't show wear and tear nearly as much as the aluminum chassis of the macs, which can have hideous dents. Also, damage to the chassis is rather difficult to repair, as the metal becomes bent. I've a friend whose macbook pro no longer closes for this reason. That being said, build quality can be thrown out as a factor, simply because if the user takes care of the notebook, it will serve them well. If it is misused, both notebooks will betray you.
Customer service is also a pretty shotty argument, considering apple is very well known for ignoring its customers and massive defects with it's products. The same is probably true for other PC manufacturers, but I've not heard of any. Customer service is a different experience for everyone...there's no real way to gauge who is better.
As for what OS is can't really gauge that either. To me, OS X is a terrible OS. I can't use it to do the simplest of things I've done on Windows for years. To me, OS X feels watered down, bland, and slow. I feel Vista is superior to OS X. Who's to say who's right? And your mac pro (which has hefty hardware at a massive price and is a
desktop) runs software better than a notebook that was likely half it's price. What a surprise.
Apple does have control over hardware and software, and that allows it to coordinate the two better. This is true. However, it comes at the price of universal compatibility. Not all hardware is mac compatible, but pretty much everything on the market is compatible with Windows.
That stuff, a few other things, and the price arguement really push me to the PC side of things. To me, it's the better choice.
Edit:This, by the way, is my beauty a21m: