Malware or Adware?


Mar 14, 2016
This has been going on for a long time but a lot of sites I go to like Best Buy or HP or Dell etc has Foresee surveys and I been trying to get rid of this malware but for some reason windows defender like software don't remove it. It seems like it might even be a adware but it comes up. Is there a virus on my PC or something? It's strange that no matter what PC I use this happens but if I go the second time it wont show again unless I clear cookies or so.

Here is a pic of one site that I get this pop up but is this a malware or so? I get stuff like this on Best Buy or HP or Dell etc. I think there is a malware or adware that makes this come.

To make sure you may install an ad blocker in your system
Ablock Plus ad blocker, blocks malicious ads and not the one which can be beneficial for the user. For any detail follow the link:
Are you sure???? Others have said it's malware or adware since I get this on almost every site I open. Some are from Foresee and some are like this but it's got to be some bad maybe virus or so.

i get that too on a os i downloaded 5 min ago in a vm. your computer is fine
Well how do I get rid of them then? Is there a way or not? Why is it there for?? I really thought it was a bad malware or something this is bad that sites do this.

adblock might work but im not sure about it. other than that just ignore it
To make sure you may install an ad blocker in your system
Ablock Plus ad blocker, blocks malicious ads and not the one which can be beneficial for the user. For any detail follow the link: