Man Hacks VoIP, Gets 10 Years Sentence

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so instead of paying these guys to secure the network they decided instead to throw them into jail.... im guessing we going be seeing more of this then
[citation][nom]nforce4max[/nom]Cop kills two people while texting and goes free with two years pay while the nobody 10 years for hacking. What is the greater crime?[/citation]
Money is the greater crime my friend. 🙁
Had he just hacked the system would be one thing... but turning it into a money stealing business is where the United States Corporate Court Ban Hammer comes into play.
I think the punishment is a bit harsh. Maybe they should have made him help secure their network as community service and made his sentence a bit lighter, but nonetheless he shouldn't have stolen and then sold the minutes.

A little hacking never hurt anyone
i just wonder how the math works, if they lost 1.4 million,, if he sold at 'big' discounts and he has to pay back a million,,he must have only made a few hundred thousand in this scheme considering he'd have to split with the other guy.
kinda funny that he managed to get extradited from mexico to face punishment in the usa,,,,, how many drug dealers get the same treatment,,probably not many and they probably made much more money than this guy ever would and be alot more dangerous to society, too

i guess it all comes down to money, bring back this guy, he won't hurt anyone, he can pay us back a million--- alot safer deal than bringing back a dangerous felon who won't pay back a dime
Instead of just deporting him, let's pay to feed, clothe, and house him for a decade, then deport him.

Don't forget while we feed, clothe and house him we also allow him to get an education at our expense! Not that he really needs it, but its there so when he gets out he can do more devious things.
While I agree 10 yrs seems bit strong for this particular crime (probably because he ran), why does it seem to be the opinion of the community that every successful hacker should be hired rather than punished? This wasn't a "Proof-of-conecpt" crime, it was a "I'm in ur servrs stealin' ur minutes" crime. You don't reward that with a job, you send that guy to jail and fire the people that were supposed to be keeping him out.
A simple fine and perhaps a few months of community service would be much more proportionate with his crime. Jail is better suited for cwiminals who pose a danger for people around him.
I think the bigger crime is the fact that 10 million VOIP minutes only cost the companies $1.4M - just 7 cents/min.
[citation][nom]lyquid[/nom]I think the bigger crime is the fact that 10 million VOIP minutes only cost the companies $1.4M - just 7 cents/min.[/citation]
In potential profit cost, I doubt the infrastructure utilized came anywhere near that total. I think it would be more important to find out how he accomplished the security exploit so copy-cats can't do the same thing. The person is guilty of the crime, and for profiteering; it seems as though he got a severe punishment, but he did skip out on his bail so I believe the sentencing has more with making an example. Internal white collar crimes usually involve getting raises.
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