On a side note, i do agree prices are way off. I agree to pay 60 Euros for a game that is Baldurs Gate long. But NO WAY im paying 60 Euros for a 4-6 hour gameplay game. I mean... come on, you get with 60 Euros on steam right now, go for the best deals and you can end up with 20 games, each 10 hour long. So, 200 hours, WOW...
Then you can get Oblivion, or skyrim, for 60 Euros, and you still get 200+ hours of gameplay. So in this case, yes, fair deal.
But paying 60 E for a call of duty? well, not for me at least. Besides, you can always bitch about piracy, but you will find out that Great games sell well even years later (there are still copies of Broodwar, Baldurs gate, Crysis 1, etc getting sold).
If you want to know how good a game is, look at how long it takes for the price to drop. (For example, now in Poland, dragon age II is cheaper than Dragon Age 1, and i think most of us know why).