Memory Reduced to 16


Dec 3, 2017
Samsung J7-6 My Phone when purchad had 32 Gig internal memory. An update installed itself and now I only have 16 Gig and issues with running out of memory.
Any thoughts on how to bring it back to 32 Gig? BTW I have a 62 Gig external installed.
It is completely possible that the update added a lot to the device. Even if you don't 'see' it from your end. Plus anything you use on the device will add to the data. Say "Facebook" or a "Browser" all add data to the phone, so unless that gets cleared out, it takes up even more space. Which isn't stuff that is normally moved or removed. You have to go into the phones 'settings', 'apps', 'all' and then locate the individual app to clear its cache or even all its data. Just be sure you are OK with removing whatever it has before you do it.

The only other thing you can try and do is to see if the phone will allow converting the SD card to "Internal" rather than "External" storage. Not all phones allow for this though, and you have to...
Well the original amount of space on the device is only what it has before 'anything' was installed on the device. So the original OS, and any apps, etc., that were placed on it by the manufacturer already took up space. That just isn't advertised when they tell you the amount of space. It is kind of just assumed people understand it. So the update didn't remove that much space, it just took up more space than was originally taken. There is no way to have the full 32GB of space accessible, not without completely wiping the device of all things including the OS, which would make it totally useless. You can never have access/use of the full space.

Now you can use the SD card that you install for many things, to free up space, by moving files, or saving new things like photos, etc., to the card. However apps themselves cannot be just saved to the card. That requires other things be done.


Dec 3, 2017



Dec 3, 2017
Thanks for the quick response and YES I fully understand that if the phone comes with 16, of that 5 is the OD and other stuff. What is left is for me.
The phone came with 32, minus the OS, minus my stuff... it reads USED 14.0 of 16... when in my opinion should be 18 left of the original indicated capacity of 32.
And yes, I have moved all that can be moved to the 64 Gig External mem.
It is completely possible that the update added a lot to the device. Even if you don't 'see' it from your end. Plus anything you use on the device will add to the data. Say "Facebook" or a "Browser" all add data to the phone, so unless that gets cleared out, it takes up even more space. Which isn't stuff that is normally moved or removed. You have to go into the phones 'settings', 'apps', 'all' and then locate the individual app to clear its cache or even all its data. Just be sure you are OK with removing whatever it has before you do it.

The only other thing you can try and do is to see if the phone will allow converting the SD card to "Internal" rather than "External" storage. Not all phones allow for this though, and you have to start with a blank SD card, if it will allow it, as it will overwrite anything already on the card.

First, you need to be using a phone that is running at least Android "Marshmallow" (or newer) or be able to upgrade to it. Second, you will need the instructions I am including below. And third, you need a phone that has not been restricted by the manufacturer from making this change. Which does happen.

NOTE: If any of the steps are missing on your phone, or they don't work for you, then you have a phone that either has an older Android version or has been restricted by the manufacturer.

How to turn the "External" SD card into "Internal" storage on "Marshmallow" a.k.a. 6.0.

NOTE: Please be sure you start with a blank SD card. It needs to be blank because when the card is converted to "Internal" storage, it will be formatted (wiped) and encoded (making the cards data only readable by that device).

1. Go to device “Settings”, then select “Storage”.
2. Select your "SD Card", then tap the “three-dot menu“ (top-right), now select “Settings” from in there.
3. Now select “Format as internal”, and then “Erase & Format”.
4. Your SD Card will now be formatted as internal storage.
5. Reboot your phone.

NOTE: If you don't reboot the phone, many things may not work correctly, so make sure you do.

How to turn the "External" SD card into "Internal" storage on "Nougat" a.k.a. 7.0.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure you start with a blank SD card. When the card is converted to "Internal" storage, it will be formatted (wiped) and encoded (making the cards data only readable by that device), so anything on it prior would be gone.

1. Go to "Settings", and then select "Storage & USB".
2. At the bottom of the list you should see the SD card's details, including the option to format it and make it "Internal" storage.
3. Once this is done, reboot the device and you can start running things from the card.

If you don't reboot the phone, some things may not work correctly, so make sure you do the reboot.
