[citation][nom]ie49589[/nom]Hey tard, I already said it before but it seems you are mentally challenged (maybe a stray bullet hit you in the head).The mess we are in was done by 8 years of the worst presidential administration EVER in the history of the US. Such administration was a responsibility of your retard idol Bush, who is also the worst president in US history.Obama has to spend money if he wants to fix this mess which means that thanks to Bush, our money is being taken away while he happily builds his library in Dallas.Do you seriously think all the problems Bush created will go away by just changing the president? That's idiotic and if you think that then that will confirm that you are mentally challenged.Just think about it (even if is the first time you make use of the stuff inside your head, don't worry it may hurt but you aren't gonna die), the economic problem we have right now occurred thanks to Bush's decisions, happened during Bush's term and now is left to Obama to clean the mess, yet you are complaining because Obama isn't a messiah who can miraculously restore the economy in six days and rest in the seventh. For the first time in your life get real and stop drinking Bush/GOP's koolaid.8 YEARS OF SCREW-UPS BY BUSH AREN'T GONNA GO AWAY IN LESS THAN 6 MOTHS.Obama is using politics not magic (but I guess that if you are dumb enough to believe in fairy tales like the ones in the bible I guess you were specting magic & miracles to happen, how retard). To get us out of this mess will take SEVERAL YEARS because it is easier to destroy (like Bush did) than to build (like Clinton did and now Obama is trying to do).Finally, you and all of those Bush followers that are criticizing Obama, take your sore loser comments and opinions about politics to somewhere else where this issue is discussed because here, this is totally irrelevant. It only shows that your a-holes are sore because Bush2 (aka McCain aka McSame) didn't win.Get over it already, don't be sore losers.[/citation]
More Democratic rhetoric. Obama's gonna be tootin that horn for the next 3 1/2 years. Please enlighten me on what EXACTLY Bush did that screwed this all up? Give me 5 solid specific examples. Don't even bother with Iraq invasion (even though I think it was a big mistake too) because Obama's already spent more money in his first 6 months than the entire cost of the Iraqi war.