[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Ossie, you are so blinded by MS hatred you obviously didn't understand.MS isn't licensing Linux.MS is licensing stuff for use on Amazon's Linux servers.But I suppose it doesn't matter either way as MS haters will complain if they keep their IP to themselves, complain if they license it, complain if they do charity work, cure cancer, stop all wars, end third world hunger and explore the galaxy.[/citation]
I understand very well micro$uxx' monopolistic tactics. Don't sugar coat it with "stuff for use on linux servers".
Read Jeannie's "headline": "Microsoft and Amazon Sign Kindle, Linux deal". None of those has anything to do with a linux "deal", eventually just trying to undermine it (a la novell) (m$).
Just micro$uxx has the impertinence to cash in on linux, with their patent protection fee racket. Hence the "licencing" remark.
Any entity (including micro$uxx) is entitled to use foss code, if it respects the licensing conditions (gpl and co.). Usually micro$uxx just "borrows", without respecting them - the late windblow$ flash/dvd installer utility debacle is representative - but cries loudly bloody murder, if it has the slightest impression that anyone is "infringing" on their SW patent stash.
Keep the rest of your blind m$/billy boy love blurb for yourself, or the wintarded micro$uxx fankiddie herd.