This is just so much crap from Microsoft. They say that if you run Win 11 on an unsupported PC that you will probably not be able to receive updates, which will make your PC vulnerable to whatever. Well, if you stay with Win 10 after it goes out of support you will have exactly the same problem as with Win 11 on your unsupported PC!
It seems to me that if you WANT to upgrade to Win 11 and your PC isn't supported then you would be no worse off that if you just stuck with Win 10. However, there is no guarantee that unsupported PCs will NOT be able to receive Win 11 updates directly from Microsoft, and even if they can't then there are always workarounds.
Personally. I bought a new gaming computer several months ago with Win 11 pre installed and I HATED it. I have always been reluctant to change my way of doing things, so I thought to be fair I'd give it a chance. After 2 months of headaches and frustration I finally pulled the trigger and reformatted the drive, installing Win 10. My headaches and frustrations disappeared when all of my "older" software, games and hardware worked once again flawlessly!
Honestly, I looked into all the "benefits and upgrades" that are supposed to come with Win 11 and I didn't see ANYTHING that interested or would benefit me. For anyone interested in upgrading to Win 11, my advice would be to look at what you would be REALLY getting and decide if the positives outweigh the negatives for you.
IMHO, Win 11 with it's "requirement" for TPM 2.0 is nothing more than a money grab on behalf of Microsoft. There is no other reason that this tech giant would so forcefully and relentlessly be trying to FORCE people with perfectly good computers that can otherwise run Win 11 perfectly well to buy new hardware solely because their older devices do not possess the ability to run TPM 2.0. Microsoft, TELL them what they are actually risking without TPM capability (and NOT that crap about not receiving updates, because that's something totally under Microsoft's control) and let the community decide if they are willing to take the risks!
And before someone comes in here and describes some specific benefits that Win 11 brings to the table (like maybe the ability to run some NEW games or better support some NEW hardware) let me just say that I have discovered NOTHING that Win 11 can do for me personally that Win 10 cannot. For me, it's a matter of personal choice that I will continue to use Win 10 for as long as it works for me.