Last year i was real excited about this system and couldnt wait for E3 this year.Natal promised full body real time motion controls an AI and voice commands.After watching the confrerence however im not as enthused, the motion tracking is NOT one to one ALL the time, if you watch closely you see its not consistent(this is most apparent in the fitness game from Ubisoft).The voice chat looks spot on but im still skeptical since the first person who demoed it looked scared that it might not work(the gentleman who explanined the new features for xbox live).To me if youre going to have a system like this you need make sure that you can get it 1:1 first beofre you start making stuff for it hoping to sort it out later.And to those that say its a protype, no its not ,The device has its retail name with bundles and hardware consideration already made and the developers have the finished product .Its not coming out today because some develpers are still working on thier games and it just makes sence to release something like this when you know there are going to be alot of dollars circulating in the consumer electronics market.