My ws55909 just started having the full picture flashing from a perfect picture to black and back. After a while the flashing changes to diagonals. It is happening for both HD 1080 and DVD 480 inputs.
Read all the threads and disassembled the board to check the solder points on the IC. They all looked good and reassembled everything.
This not the normal 3D IC issue or the green blinking light of death DM issue.
So far, all I have learned is that either a hemostat or a fine pair of needle nose pliers are the best way to slowly loosen the wire bridges.
Read all the threads and disassembled the board to check the solder points on the IC. They all looked good and reassembled everything.
This not the normal 3D IC issue or the green blinking light of death DM issue.
So far, all I have learned is that either a hemostat or a fine pair of needle nose pliers are the best way to slowly loosen the wire bridges.