B bkheang2003 Jun 20, 2018 2 0 10 Jun 20, 2018 #1 Randomly my monitor freezes and I have to open and close my laptop so that it unfreezes.
Solution smorizio Jun 20, 2018 most laptops not gaming units. use hardware info see what your temps are hitting. try using a book to make an air space under the laptop.
most laptops not gaming units. use hardware info see what your temps are hitting. try using a book to make an air space under the laptop.
smorizio Splendid Jan 22, 2010 1,154 0 21,410 Jun 20, 2018 Solution #2 most laptops not gaming units. use hardware info see what your temps are hitting. try using a book to make an air space under the laptop. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
most laptops not gaming units. use hardware info see what your temps are hitting. try using a book to make an air space under the laptop.