Solved! Motherboard stops working after connecting Lcd cable

Mar 27, 2022
I disassembled my laptop because of the blue screen of death as i though overheating was the cause, so i cleaned it, but after reassembling, it was not working, no lights on the motherboard, no fan rotation, nothing. initially i thought the motherboard was dead but then i disconnected all the components and tried connecting one by one, and i found the motherboard is fine but when i connected the lcd cable, the light went off again.
Few days back i opened the display because it was glitching, from the screen side and reconnected the ribbon cable on the screen and it worked again, but this time i disconnected and connected the cable from the motherboard and it's not working.

Was the blue screen because of display error? Because i think last time I had blue screen was just before the display stopped working and the indicators light were on as if the computer was running. But sometimes when i pressed the power button the display used to turn on and after a while blue screen and then no display. That's when i decided to disassemble. But I'm wondering why connecting the lcd cable makes the motherboard stop working? Is the screen damaged or the cable? Or something else?
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This is an interesting one, and I see no one has answered so I'll give it a shot.
Check that your motherboard truly is working without the ribbon cable by connecting an external display.
I think the motherboard is working, and one of 3 things aren't: The screen (unlikely to cause this) the cable, or the port. The only way to really check this is with another cable. You can try your screen and cable on another matching laptop but if it has a short that might not be a good idea.

In addition, on your hard drive is the BSOD dump file, which I don't understand myself but some people here might. And Microsoft probably does too.
This is an interesting one, and I see no one has answered so I'll give it a shot.
Check that your motherboard truly is working without the ribbon cable by connecting an external display.
I think the motherboard is working, and one of 3 things aren't: The screen (unlikely to cause this) the cable, or the port. The only way to really check this is with another cable. You can try your screen and cable on another matching laptop but if it has a short that might not be a good idea.

In addition, on your hard drive is the BSOD dump file, which I don't understand myself but some people here might. And Microsoft probably does too.