Mouse doesn't work - Motionjoy

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Dec 15, 2012

I have installed the software Motionjoy for what-you-know but unfortunatly I clicked on an option called "Install all", which installed some drivers on my pc. Those drivers completely messed up with my mouse, it just doesn't work.
My mouse gets recognized by the computer, but every 30 seconds it disconnects and reconnects without my permission, and it even makes a sound (the sound when you connect or disconnect a driver).

I have so uninstalled motionjoy but I can't find how to uninstall the drivers. I've tried to through the device manager process ( -- 3rd point) but I can't simply find Motionjoy in there.

So, I have a mouse that doesn't work, it disconnects and reconnects randomly and I can't simply uninstall that stupid Motionjoy driver.

What do I need to do?

Thanks for your answers.


Did you created a restor point?

When no, try to find a restor point that's the closesed before you installed it.

Is the software you installed new or did you used it before without any issues?

Do you have the latest version?

Did you updated this version?

If so, deinstall and install the previous one and wait for the next update.

What you could do is checking there FAQ's for conflicts with other software and you could try the net if you like.

Installed Motionjoy on Win 7 x64 and now the mouse keeps deconnecting/connecting by itself

You can use different phrases for different search results.

For deinstallation, you could brows too:

How to uninstall all motionjoy drivers/,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355325884,d.d2k&fp=88d6300fff599b5&bpcl=39967673&biw=1024&bih=719

According to link 2, you have to close/exit the program before uninstalling it.

So, it looks like you have to install and exit the DS3 and than uninstall it by the program manager.

You could also download Revo Uninstaller Pro and give it a try.

Hopefully I let you known enough and that you will find the answers you seek!

Good luck & have fun doing it! 😀

Best Regards,


Hello Meneerwitte,

I haven't created any restore point, but the last one dates from two days before I installed the software, so I'm kind of lucky. I used it and it successfully made my mouse work again. Thank you for the advice, that was the first thing I did when I saw your message.
Still, I'm gonna answer your questions, because there can still be a solution without going with a restore point.

Is the software you installed new or did you used it before without any issues?
I used it before, in another computer with Windows 7, but I didn't used the option "Install all", that installs all the drivers from the software. In this computer, with Windows 8, it worked very well, but then I accidentally used this option.

Do you have the latest version?

What you could do is checking there FAQ's for conflicts with other software and you could try the net if you like.

Installed Motionjoy on Win 7 x64 and now the mouse keeps deconnecting/connecting by itself

You can use different phrases for different search results.

I did so, though I didn't find any answer for this. The only thing I found is that I have to uninstall the drivers from MotionJoy, but the problem is here, I can't uninstall (maybe because of the new Windows).

And I tried everything they said in the forums, every single post and every single method. None worked, and I don't know why.

But the restore point did the work, and this was some question of luck.
So, I may say for those who use Windows 8: never install MotionJoy 😀

Thanks again for the help and happy holidays for you too 😉

easy, go to driver manager, select the ports or hardware you want to restore the drivers, clic on remove, after that your hardware should be as it was before, so now plug your mouse in so the windows can install the mouse drivers instead of motion joy's
after your mouse is installed you can now go "install ALL" again :)
Dear Lady/Sir,

Kindly I ask your attention. :)

Well, did the answer of xleo989x work?

When not,

Let us known if you found the answer to your issue.

Well, about Windows 8. I don't have it installed yet, but I already used it somewhere else.

Press the Windows button, scroll to the program you need 'Motionjoy', right click on it and below will be giving you options to do with the program what you like, click on it and it will be done.

Hopefully I let you known enough, that you will find the answers you seek! :)

Good luck and have fun doing it! :)

Best Regards,


Merry Christmas & Best Wishes 2014! :)
so i was having the exact same problem and i just went to the motioninjoy program and to driver manager and clicked remove and my mouse started working again.
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