When im playing the game after a few second my laptoo is shotting down..i cleabed also the fan of my laptop but idoesnt work..can you help me to fix it..and any idea how to upgrade my laptop...thank a lotfor the help..
First thing, does it happen during any game? You said "the game", just one does it or do all of them do it? You cleaned the fan, but did you monitor temps during testing? Run Prime95 and monitor temps see how that goes and if the system stays stable. If it only shuts off during gaming, it may be a bad video card, outside of it overheating.
First thing, does it happen during any game? You said "the game", just one does it or do all of them do it? You cleaned the fan, but did you monitor temps during testing? Run Prime95 and monitor temps see how that goes and if the system stays stable. If it only shuts off during gaming, it may be a bad video card, outside of it overheating.