Solved! MSI GX660R vs. GX660


Jun 25, 2008
I am looking to replace my current laptop with something a little more robust and have found the MSI GX660R.

The laptop will be used for SC II, and World of Warcraft. More than likely nothing else as I imagine I will be buying a new laptop by the time Diablo III is released... ( A few years from now). I am looking for something on the lighter and smaller side of mobile gaming, 15", less than 8lbs.

I am debating between the 660R, which offers a higher native resolution, more memory, and a blu-ray drive, vs. the 660 which offers a cheaper price, and similar specifications with a Core i5 vs. a Core i7 in the 660R.

Which would be the better buy? Do I spend the extra $300? Are the performance gains worth the cash? I know these are questions I can only answer, but thoughts and input from others certainly doesn't hurt.

Also, with Cataclysm coming within the next few months ( /Crossing Fingers) would I be better off waiting, assuming the new line of Nvidia Mobile GPUs might be better and cheaper than the current 5870m?
First of all if you want to wait,you can't every buy anything because there is aalways something new around the corner, but i don't think Nvidia will announce any VGA(in 4xx series)faster than the current GTX 480M.
As for the laptops,well for $300 its worth it IMO,you get a better screen,more RAM and Blu-ray drive, however the difference between 4GB and 6GB RAM isn't much, so it depends on you.If you need a higher resolution screen and a blu-ray drive,then its worth the $300 more.
First of all if you want to wait,you can't every buy anything because there is aalways something new around the corner, but i don't think Nvidia will announce any VGA(in 4xx series)faster than the current GTX 480M.
As for the laptops,well for $300 its worth it IMO,you get a better screen,more RAM and Blu-ray drive, however the difference between 4GB and 6GB RAM isn't much, so it depends on you.If you need a higher resolution screen and a blu-ray drive,then its worth the $300 more.


Jun 25, 2008
That's the one feature, the higher native res 1920x1080 in the 660r vs 1366x768 in the 660, pushing me into thinking the extra $300, will be worth it. However, I am still trying to find reviews showing avg. frame rates of SC II, as finding a review including a game like WoW is unlikely, running at 1920x1080 on a 5870M.

I am also curious to know if the difference between the Core i5 and i7 would be something to consider. $300 Isn't an easy thing to throw away if I won't benefit from it in terms of performance. While a higher rez is nice, I guess the question is am I sacraficing image quality and FPS with it. Meaning, at 1920x1080 do I have to dial things down a bit, where as with 1366x768 could I run everything at ultra with reasonable frame rates?

Thanks for the reply, Maziar.
Well a 5870M can handle most games on medium-high settings on 1080p and it can handle all games at high on 1366x768,so you are right about the resolution.
As for CPU,well there are some games/apps(games like WIC,GTA IV and apps like PS,3D max etc) benefit from 4 cores.
But if you find $300 expensive,then go with the cheaper one,its still a great machine.


Jun 25, 2008

Thanks again, for the reply.

I am still debating, however, I do think that if I am unhappy with the lower resolution that I could at some point go ahead and replace the LCD in the GX660, the cheaper model, for a little less than what I would pay for the GX660R. That is assuming I could find a resonably priced replacement.