Weight/battery life don't matter. I'll be doing a lot of traveling and want something that will play mainstream games (Witcher 3, BO3) on high+ settings. I don't need an optical drive. I'll be playing with a headset, so speakers are unimportant, but I do care a fair amount about sound quality. I'd like it to last about 2 years. Budget is about $1600.
Which would you recommend?
My ideal would basically be the MSI, but with a 6700k processor. I've read that the MSI can get quite warm; touching a 65C keyboard doesn't sound fun. But it has G-Sync. Is G-Sync really that big a deal?
From what I've read, Eluktronics has better customer service than MSI and their work is done in the US, so it would be nice to patronize them.
If you have something else that would meet my needs as described above, please make another recommendation!
Thank you!
Which would you recommend?
My ideal would basically be the MSI, but with a 6700k processor. I've read that the MSI can get quite warm; touching a 65C keyboard doesn't sound fun. But it has G-Sync. Is G-Sync really that big a deal?
From what I've read, Eluktronics has better customer service than MSI and their work is done in the US, so it would be nice to patronize them.
If you have something else that would meet my needs as described above, please make another recommendation!
Thank you!