Solved! Multiple battery problems.

Mar 23, 2018
Hi !

For starters, sorry for my english ; I'm not really used to it yet.

I write here about my mother's tablet (which I happen to use here and there since a couple months for games). The original cable for the device (Medion Lifetab) broke about a month and a half ago, and we used some others laying around for a while.
Charging problems started manifesting themselves (little to no additional charge when charging for extended periods of time,charging dot flickering, ...). A couple of days ago, we finally bought a new charger, hoping that it would solve the problem - it didn't.
I already tried a couple of solutions I saw on the internet, like emptying the battery entirely then charging it full again or switching between wall charger and USB connector. These worked for a bit, then didn't.

As for now, I left the tablet connected to the wall charger, with the red dot showing up and stuff... And when I tried turning it on,it looks like the tablet was entirely and utterly drained.
So I tried putting her back, and she keeps "blinking" (meaning she shows the logo but don't hold enough charge to properly display it, so turn off, then try displaying it again, and so on).
There's no bump of any sort on the tablet and she wasn't hit or anything, and I figured that since I was able to get the red dot, the battery isn't "dead" per se, but I'm kinda at the end of my wit here...

Thanks for your help !