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Albert Wong wrote:
> auteiri@fastmail.fm wrote:
>> I have a trusty old 600X, which I would like to upgrade to a 850Mhz
>> MMC-2 Pentium III processor. Unfortunately, these are getting about as
>> rare as moon rocks. Can someone point to a source? eBay has not listed
>> any for a long itme now.
>> TIA,
>> Jerry
>> Capt 'Wild' Bill Kelso, USAAC wrote:
>>>Martin Slaney wrote:
>>>>JHEM wrote:
>>>>>Martin Slaney wrote:
>>>Yep, you can put up to an 850 into a 500(or higher) -X. I havent
>> tried the
>>>450's yet.
>>>I have two 500mhz 600X's that have 800's in them and they work fine
>> with no
>>>cludge or BIOS problems.
>>>>>My personal 600X is upgraded to a PIII 850MHz MMC2
>>>> From what though ? Presumably something later than a 500 ... Am I
>> right
>>>>in thinking that the 500 is pre-speedstep ? My (reasonably
>> educated)
>>>>guesswork tells me that putting a speedstep module in a
>>>>non-speedstep-aware machine/BIOS/VRM would :-
>>>The two models I have are a 4AU, and a 4EU, both running XPHome.
>>>With no BIOS issues other than flashing to the latest for the -X they
>> both run
>>>fine, at 800mhz
> don't bother, it won't work. Even though the physical packaging is
> mmc2, the motherboard chipset would not know how to implement the
> instructions set from the p3.
Uh, the motherboard chipset does not "implement the instruction set", that's
what processors do.
> Not to mention, the cooling issues. Just
> sell your 600e and buy a A2X, t2X.
to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
Albert Wong wrote:
> auteiri@fastmail.fm wrote:
>> I have a trusty old 600X, which I would like to upgrade to a 850Mhz
>> MMC-2 Pentium III processor. Unfortunately, these are getting about as
>> rare as moon rocks. Can someone point to a source? eBay has not listed
>> any for a long itme now.
>> TIA,
>> Jerry
>> Capt 'Wild' Bill Kelso, USAAC wrote:
>>>Martin Slaney wrote:
>>>>JHEM wrote:
>>>>>Martin Slaney wrote:
>>>Yep, you can put up to an 850 into a 500(or higher) -X. I havent
>> tried the
>>>450's yet.
>>>I have two 500mhz 600X's that have 800's in them and they work fine
>> with no
>>>cludge or BIOS problems.
>>>>>My personal 600X is upgraded to a PIII 850MHz MMC2
>>>> From what though ? Presumably something later than a 500 ... Am I
>> right
>>>>in thinking that the 500 is pre-speedstep ? My (reasonably
>> educated)
>>>>guesswork tells me that putting a speedstep module in a
>>>>non-speedstep-aware machine/BIOS/VRM would :-
>>>The two models I have are a 4AU, and a 4EU, both running XPHome.
>>>With no BIOS issues other than flashing to the latest for the -X they
>> both run
>>>fine, at 800mhz
> don't bother, it won't work. Even though the physical packaging is
> mmc2, the motherboard chipset would not know how to implement the
> instructions set from the p3.
Uh, the motherboard chipset does not "implement the instruction set", that's
what processors do.
> Not to mention, the cooling issues. Just
> sell your 600e and buy a A2X, t2X.
to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)