I have an issue. Sometimes, my computer crash with some kind of annoying buzzing. Most of the tme, it used to happen because of minor vibration.(Like an object fall near the computer) But it happened once that it just crash like that.
The most annoyan is that recently , it also have problem to start again.Here what tend to happen.
Either the fan start up and everything seem fine and suddently everything stop and startagain on and on or the fan start up but there is no signal on screen.in both case nothing appear on screen no blue screen nothing.
To make matter work, it happened a few day ago, I let the computer like that and like today I opened it and everything worked fine. I player destiny 2 like 30 minute and an other crash and now , again, I cant open my computer.
Any idea what could happen?, This was not an issue for the several first month, at least the problem to start part
The most annoyan is that recently , it also have problem to start again.Here what tend to happen.
Either the fan start up and everything seem fine and suddently everything stop and startagain on and on or the fan start up but there is no signal on screen.in both case nothing appear on screen no blue screen nothing.
To make matter work, it happened a few day ago, I let the computer like that and like today I opened it and everything worked fine. I player destiny 2 like 30 minute and an other crash and now , again, I cant open my computer.
Any idea what could happen?, This was not an issue for the several first month, at least the problem to start part