My disk is always showing at 100% and my computer noticeably slow

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i have no clue how to do that

I am reproducing the solution given by david which works:Thanks a lot, david_192
david_192Jan 1, 2016, 2:01 PM
After trying stopping and disabling WSearch, superfetch and BIT all worked temporarily. the real culprit seemed to be the pagefile settings. go to control panel/system and security/system/advanced system settings under performance click settings, advanced tab click change, set min to 1024 x your ram to convert to MB and set max to 2 x the min. click set, OK and apply. requires a restart. Stopped my 100% disk usage and windows now loads faster hope this helps.
right click windows, select system, click advanced settings, under performance go to pagefile settings, set min to your ram x1000 and max your ram x 2000. click set, apply and ok. voila- all your problems solved. I struggled with this issue for a long time and david_192 post troubleshot it.
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