Question My Instagram account is hacked

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May 26, 2020
Hello, couple days ago my Instagram account was accessed from somebody else's computer. Person stole my email first and used it to access my Instagram account then he changed the email of my Instagram account. Since my Instagram was connected to my Facebook, I got my Instagram account back. Now I secured everything on my end, but there is 2 things that I am worried of. When I check my login activity on my e-mail, I keep seeing unsuccessful sign ins from countries like, china, Thailand, Netherlands and ext. The 2nd thing that worries me is that even tho I secured my Instagram account, I go to check my login activity and it says a different location than mine on the map. What is weird is that, I see my phones name in that location. For example it says Pennsylvania - This Android device SA923U ( my phone ) . This only happens after 2pm. When I wake up the next day, my location is back to my normal location. Then after 2 pm its Pennsylvania again. Is this a glitch? I tried to log into my Instagram from my friends account. It still shows as Pensylvania on his phone. Also I log in to my 2nd Instagram account, same thing happens to it also. My main location is keep changing from my original location.
so even though I changed everything and secured my account. Its still in danger? Also how can I reach Instagram? I can't find their reporting tool.
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So I added authentication application to my Instagram, changed my email, changed my password. Still received an email to my email today saying someone else logged into your Instagram account. This email was sent to my old email even though I changed my email. Also how is he passing through all these security factors. My location where im logged in is wrong. I live in Ohio and Instagram shows as, Philadelphia . I email to instagram about this and they replied to me as, we checked your account and looks like your case is resolved. This is just so funny. Whatever I do, I cannot keep my account from that person who hacked it. Im going to delete my account if this keep happens. He logged in again today, I didn't receive a message to my phone or to my authentication application. When I try to log in my self, it asks for all of this. When that guy tries to log in, it doesn't ask anything.
Also my location is wrong however it says This Device next to the wrong location. I am thinking that this is how he passes the security factors. Because my Instagram trusts my own device and the hacker shows himself logging in from my device.

Note: I reset my phone

If you know how to remove trusted devices from instagram please help me with that also.
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