My Lenovo laptop won't turn on

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Sep 29, 2017
I know there are a lot of threads about this already, but I have tried literally all of the solutions and none of them have worked. So I'm hoping there might be a few more to try.
My laptop crashed recently when I plugged in an external DVD drive. It is unable to turn back on.
The charging light comes on when I plug it in, and when I turn it on, the power light comes on. The fan does not start, and I can feel the HDD heat up over long periods of time while it is on.
I have plugged it into an external monitor and it didn't detect any video input. I plug an external optical nouse into it and that light comes on. When I plug an external keyboard into it, the lights there do not come on.
I have tried the take battery out and press power button, approach. I have tried booting it on AC power.
Okay, so here's what to try. There wasn't a whole lot of reason to take the laptop apart since more than likely, the motherboard fried.

First, I assume you have had both the battery and power supply unplugged from the laptop at the same time? (And the DVD reader as well). And, while you have it apart, pull the CMOS battery for a few minutes.

Second, keep hard drive removed, and remove the wifi module as well.

Now, with that all that done, do you have one stick of RAM or two? If you have two, try booting the laptop with one stick out at a time (take one out, boot with the one in it, if nothing then swap the sticks and try again).

The honest to god truth is, your motherboard probably got fried.

Pulled it out, tried booting it. Same problem. During the time since posting, I've also driained the battery to see if that fixes anything. It hasn't.
we are limited on what checking we can do cause its a laptop. if you can strip and rebuild a laptop i will help you further. if not a profesional is your only option from here

I have taken apart desktops before, but I confess never laptops, although I have seen other people do it many times.
i have done many desktops. a laptop is a whole other beast. I suggest profesional. i know its more expensive now but if they crack the case getting in they have to replace it. i have cracked a few myself.

a good staples service guy can give you a decent idea what went wrong. sometimes they wont charge you for just brining it in and firing it up. doing more then saying this went wrong tho and they start charging. unless they have a line or manager is there then they will have to charge for firing it up

Thanks for the advice. I'm not worried about cracking my case though. I just want it fixed
srry for late reponse. had to take off to try to get to pc store before they close to replace failed drive. i was to slow

now test like a regular desktop, with only less parts to remove to try
Okay, so here's what to try. There wasn't a whole lot of reason to take the laptop apart since more than likely, the motherboard fried.

First, I assume you have had both the battery and power supply unplugged from the laptop at the same time? (And the DVD reader as well). And, while you have it apart, pull the CMOS battery for a few minutes.

Second, keep hard drive removed, and remove the wifi module as well.

Now, with that all that done, do you have one stick of RAM or two? If you have two, try booting the laptop with one stick out at a time (take one out, boot with the one in it, if nothing then swap the sticks and try again).

The honest to god truth is, your motherboard probably got fried.
What model is your laptop?
Did you buy it brand new, or used?
How long have you been using it?
You said it crashed when you plugged in an external disc reader. Was the computer powered on and logged in to Windows?
What else can you tell us about the moment it crashed?
Are you able to get ANYTHING on your Screen?
Have you tried or are you able to get into System Setup or System Bios?
I am going to send you a you-tube link (maybe you’ve seen it) But if not
it’s from an India guy with a kinda heavy accent but I can make him out
Check out a few of his idea’s. See as with a Desktop which I read where
you said you had taken them apart ,Getting into Bios or System Setup
lets you view what is Connected or also what is changeable .
Check it out if you can get in setup and let me know what you find,I have a Slight feeling
you may have fried a Controller chip by hot plugging the DVD
External,one other thing was the DVD Ext. a name Brand or Generic?
So check out this You Tube
and see if you get anything from it,really the First Part with the Pencil,Let me know and we'll take it from there!
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