My Nextbook keep turning itself off with a full battery.

The battery saying it is fully doesn't mean it is. If the battery is going bad it can say it has way more of a charge than it does. Also, the tablet could be overheating, the game you are playing could be a problem (bad app) or you could have another app on the device that is running and using up resources at the same time causing it to shut down.
The battery saying it is fully doesn't mean it is. If the battery is going bad it can say it has way more of a charge than it does. Also, the tablet could be overheating, the game you are playing could be a problem (bad app) or you could have another app on the device that is running and using up resources at the same time causing it to shut down.
This is not a solution!!

Mine is doing the same thing, here's the kicker... its not while im using it... its almost like a sleep function... I can be using it for hours with no issues. Set it down for a while and go to pick it up again... sure enough its off again... When I first got my hands on it I wiped it quite a few times before realizing facebook and messenger just use up too much memory to be kept on the tablet. Now that I'm just using opera mini to go to facebook its fine on speed but the wiping should have cleared the battery stats file so that can't be it. and battery level doesn't seem to matter. it will do it next to full too. When i turn it back on the battery always still has some charge left. I swear there's a hidden sleep setting in there somewhere i can't find lol.