Question My pc problems


Mar 9, 2020
My pc has been making crackling noises and I smell something burning it’s a budget build I don’t now if it’s the case or any of the component. This started happening the beginning of March.
How long did it behave properly before the beginning of March? Did you mount the motherboard on to the case or did you install it on small, brass stand-offs?

Can you give us full information of the parts?

Please don't turn it on until you can be sure it's safe to do so.
i built my pc in the end of 2019 and this stuff started at the beginning of March. I have a MSI z390 a pro motherboard gtx 1650 I5 9400 9th gen cpu I also use the stock cooler that comes with the cpu. I also have to continue using the computer I use it for school.