Question My phone Samsung Infinix SGH-T599N unlock issue,

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Jun 3, 2019
My phone Samsung Infinix SGH-T599N, please I need the code to unlock it. IMEI - Removed
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"Please read the entirety of this section regarding unlocking phones.

Unlocking falls into the category of cracking/hacking and is not allowed on these forums for more reasons than one.

To start with, if the phone happens to be on a contract and you so choose to unlock it; you are committing breach of a legally binding document by doing so.

If the phone is not on a contract, but happens to be running a custom version of an Android ROM such as the ones T-Mobile frequently puts on their devices, unlocking it yourself falls into the category of copyright infringement as you are modifying copyrighted software. Same goes for Apple software and the iPhone.

Furthermore, we can not prove the device ownership, and will not help commit theft."

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Please how can I unlock my network at Samsung Galaxy SGH - T599N for free. The code or is there any other way out. Please I need your help. My Phone IMEI: [removed]. Thank you
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