L Lavish1 Estimable Dec 6, 2015 1 0 4,510 Dec 6, 2015 #1 My son pressed random buttons on his sisters laptop and now it's asking for a startup password. What do I do since the warranty is up and I don't want to lose any pictures or programs. It won't even allow me to restart.
My son pressed random buttons on his sisters laptop and now it's asking for a startup password. What do I do since the warranty is up and I don't want to lose any pictures or programs. It won't even allow me to restart.
Solution bignastyid Dec 6, 2015 Sorry nothing we can do. We can not help bypass anytype of security measure. http/www.tomshardware.com/forum/38307-63-read-first
Sorry nothing we can do. We can not help bypass anytype of security measure. http/www.tomshardware.com/forum/38307-63-read-first
bignastyid Splendid Moderator Jun 19, 2011 3,151 61 26,840 Dec 6, 2015 Solution #2 Sorry nothing we can do. We can not help bypass anytype of security measure. http/www.tomshardware.com/forum/38307-63-read-first Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Sorry nothing we can do. We can not help bypass anytype of security measure. http/www.tomshardware.com/forum/38307-63-read-first
ffg7 Splendid Moderator Apr 7, 2015 3,158 5 25,965 Dec 6, 2015 #3 hold the power button down for 8 to 10 seconds & it will shutdown. pictures are still there & can be retrieved. Upvote 0 Downvote
hold the power button down for 8 to 10 seconds & it will shutdown. pictures are still there & can be retrieved.