F frankdarryl Honorable Dec 30, 2012 2 0 10,510 Dec 31, 2012 #1 can you provide recomendation for a computer that will work with the Dancin dogg simulator...my old dell inspiron does not.
can you provide recomendation for a computer that will work with the Dancin dogg simulator...my old dell inspiron does not.
COLGeek Cybernaut Moderator Apr 6, 2009 6,519 281 38,490 Dec 31, 2012 #2 The system requirements are actually pretty minimal. What model of Inspiron do you have? Also, what is your budget for either upgrades to your existing system or for a new one? http/www.dancindogg.com/whatisoptishot?section=setup Upvote 0 Downvote
The system requirements are actually pretty minimal. What model of Inspiron do you have? Also, what is your budget for either upgrades to your existing system or for a new one? http/www.dancindogg.com/whatisoptishot?section=setup