Need a laptop that can run minecraft at about 100 fps

Running minecraft at 100 fps on mid should be possible with that budget
Displaying it on the laptop screen most likely won't. Unless you go into the higher end section of the market your laptop will come with a 60 Hz screen.

Will you be connecting to a monitor? Otherwise the 100 fps isn't a useful thing to have (unless it's for running mincraft in 3 years at 60Hz due to slowing down of the computer and whatnot).

I will not be using a monitor but could I get something with above 60 fps+ that will run smooth?

To be honest, you don't need 100 FPS. The human eye cannot tell the difference between 60 and 100, and most of the time 30 is still smooth. But that's besides the point. If you want a good computer without paying out as much, consider a desktop computer. In comparison to a laptop with the same stats, a custom built desktop is much cheaper. I spent roughly $700 (on Amazon's black friday sales time) to build a computer that maxes out WarThunder's graphics (which are very impressive), and still runs it above 60 FPS. Considering how simple Minecraft is, you can spend a considerably smaller amount of money, even without sales, that can achieve your need (and go a bit overboard, in case you want to get some more complex games in the future).

The problem is that I travel a lot so a desktop will not be useful:/
Are you sure there is nothing?

There are options, but you are going to be cutting it close on your budget. With Minecraft, you're going to want good RAM and CPU, but if you are goint to play games a lot, don't be afraid to get a good graphics card, too. Trust me, you will move on from Minecraft later on. Really, a balanced laptop should be fine.

Well thanks for helping!