Looking for a laptop to play games on (TF2, CoD4, MW2, MW3)and for school but the budget is about $600-$900 dont wanna spend more than 900, somewhere in the $730 range so about 800 after taxes. I was thinking an i5 dual/quad(?) core processor, 4gb ram, no optical drive, windows basic starter word and excel only, nvidia geforce gt 520m 1GB, if possible usb 3.0 and bluetooth, 320gb HDD minimum preferably 500gb. battery life isnt important, screen quality preferably really crisp little glare. First time im buying my own laptop, its gotta last me a while. I also do graphic design (PS) but nothing too fancy like 3d rendering or whtvr else, im still learning.
Looking for a laptop to play games on (TF2, CoD4, MW2, MW3)and for school but the budget is about $600-$900 dont wanna spend more than 900, somewhere in the $730 range so about 800 after taxes. I was thinking an i5 dual/quad(?) core processor, 4gb ram, no optical drive, windows basic starter word and excel only, nvidia geforce gt 520m 1GB, if possible usb 3.0 and bluetooth, 320gb HDD minimum preferably 500gb. battery life isnt important, screen quality preferably really crisp little glare. First time im buying my own laptop, its gotta last me a while. I also do graphic design (PS) but nothing too fancy like 3d rendering or whtvr else, im still learning.