Solved! Need a Suggestion about My Amazon Fire Stick


Oct 17, 2016
I have an Amazon Fire TV box. I think it may be the first generation. I am guessing that I bought it roughly five years ago. Anyway, my wife uses it on a TV most often. She told me this weekend that she could no longer control the Fire TV box. I am pretty certain that the remote control is no longer working properly. I contacted support today and we tried to pair the remote control, but no light displayed.

The Customer Support Representative told me about the Fire TV smartphone app, so my wife can probably get by with that, at least for know. Anyway, it looks like the OEM replacement is either out of stock or no longer available. I have seen some after-market replacement remote controls.

So, I am looking for some advice here. Knowing what people here know, should I:

-Have my wife use the Android app and forget about using a remote control.

-Keep searching for a genuine OEM remote control.

-Buy an aftermarket remote control.

-Forget about the old Amazon Fire and buy a new Fire Stick or Cube.

Also, I gather that the new Fire TV remote controls are not backward compatible with the earlier Fire TV boxes. Can anybody here confirm?