Need closed ear headphone around 200$


Jun 14, 2011
I am looking to buy my first pair of higher quality headphones and would like to see if I could get some advice. First off the main focus for using them will be gaming and listening to music. I am looking more for something that is very comfortable as I may wear them 5+ hours some days. I would also like to take them with me when I go out which is why I need them to be closed ear. I may be able to justify something a little more pricey if it is more suitable to my liking. Detachable cable preferred, and wireless is always an option. Thanks for your time.
I personally have a pair of Shure SRH-840, they should be a bit under your budget (if you're in the US). Closed, detachable cable, just slightly lacking in treble (to my ears). They're a tad heavy, i had to get used to the band pressing down on top of my head, it was sore for a little while :)

When you say you want to use them when you go out, do you mean walking or running? Or maybe using public transportation?
Closed full-size headphones aren't really good for moving around a lot, all the sounds and vibrations get transmitted to your ears. And if you're in a noisy environment (public transportation), well it depends on your cans, but a good pair of IEMs will do a much better job of blocking out outside noise.

I don't think there are any recommendable wireless sets near your price range.
I had looked into the SRH-840s, they just worried me because as you have said and I read they are heavier than some others. I have fairly large ears and I wanna make sure I don't get something that grinds down on me. When I say "walking around" I just mean around campus. I do appreciate the advice though.