Need help booting my Gateway LT41P06u


Oct 28, 2013
When I turn on the laptop I get the Gateway screen and the working circle below it but I cannot access the boot screen no matter what button I press. Then it goes to a blue screen that that gives me this message INACCESABLE_BOOT_DEVICE. It will then restart and repeat until I hold the power button for a few seconds to turn it off.

It seems like the problem may either be the HDD or the OS that's installed in it. Here are some troubleshooting steps that may help.
- First is try to do a hard reboot, remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then try it again.
- If it will give you the same error, turn off the laptop again then check if the HDD is seated properly. Take it off for a second then put it back in.
- Next to try if it will give you the same error is to boot it BIOS and check if the HDD is listed.
- If it's listed I would suggest to reinstall Windows but it will still not install last option would be to replace the HDD.
- And if it's not listed in BIOS replacing it would be the way to go as well.


Oct 28, 2013

Tried the first 2 listed with no luck. Replaced HDD with an old laptop HDD and got a message to install the OS or something....was glad to finally get off of the Gateway to Blue screen cycle. So I am guessing HDD. Can I replace it with a SSD drive?