Need help choosing a laptop


Feb 6, 2012
I don't want to spend more than $500 [about $540 with tax] on a laptop. I found a few that might give me the most bang for my buck but I want to have other suggestions as well to see what other options I have. I've seen somewhere that some sites offer custom laptops but I'm not sure if they offer some that suit my budget.

What I want out of the laptop is a desktop replacement outside of home, mobile gaming, school work and internet use.

I prefer to be able to buy my laptop at a store instead of online but if the site is trustworthy and the shipping isn't too much, I may consider it but my main target are laptops that can be bought in-store.

Laptops I've seen that may fit my criteria
HP g7-2317cl
HP G7 2270
Asus X75A-DS31
Acer V3-8419
the 2nd and 3rd choice is not good if you want to game as they only have the intel integrated its between the hp and acer.same cpu and gpu but the acer has a larger hdd and more ram but a 15.6inch screen.the hp on the other hand has a 17inch screen.but hp design doesnt really help when it comes to cooling.if it was me i would go for the acer.but since the hp is cheaper i would suggest you go for the hp.