need help deciding if this laptop is worth it


Apr 7, 2014
I just ordered this laptop:

Anyone here want to give me their oppinion on it? I don’t have much knowledge of these components, but it seemed like a good deal.

From what I understand there is a desktop cpu in it(i7-6700K), so I guess it’s power consumption is higher than a mobile version, but is there anything else I should be aware of?

Is this worth the wait(3 weeks)? Any sugestions on alternatives?
My budget is 3600USD, and this one is 2760USD.

Answears are much appriciated.

Ps: It’s a norwegian site(guessing the component names are understandable anyway), but if you need something translated, let me know :)
This thing looks pretty Jamming. I cant see anything hardware wise that would be a problem. Looks like you should be able to handle anything that you throw at it for quite a few years.